Blog Guidelines

Creating a blog is easy and fun, but once you make a blog you have to be careful of the content that you post.  Here are some helpful guidelines to make a fun blog and to help you be safe. 

1.  Be careful if your posting a picture of yourself.  You could be showing too much skin (if you know what I mean) so other blog readers can share that picture then its everywhere.  

2. Dont use your last name in your blog.  Remember your blog is viewed by everyone so don't use your full name in your description, maybe just a nickname.

3. Don't make offensive posts about one another.  Your friends will also see your blog so I suggest you don't add hurtful posts or pictures of one another.

4. Add gadgets! Make your blog fun! add gadgets to add some fun to keep people going to your blog. Remember the more views the more bragging rights!

5. Watch your language! some people may find the words you use in a post offensive so make sure you keep it clean!

6. Dont link your own blog onto your class blog as you may post pictures of friends and family onto your blog you don't want anyone you don't know seeing that. 

7. Add color and fun fonts to make your blog interesting to read.  But make sure the colors are readable and don't hurt anyones eyes.

8. Always be sure that your being truthful, nobody likes a liar!

9. Always make sure your grammar is correct onto your blog posts make your self seem as smart as you can be!

10. And finally have fun! make sure you choose the right topic.  If you choose one you don't like you can always start over!

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